Saturday, April 28, 2012

Did you really think we were going to cook?

Sometimes when Ryan is gone I resign myself to eating cereal or crackers and cheese for dinner until he gets back - no prep time and almost no dishes! Other times I have  high-hopes of cooking wonderful things for myself - this was one of those times. I made a trip to Grocery Outlet early in the week and stocked up on all the great produce that's cheap right now - corn, zucchini, yellow squash, green onions, asparagus, sweet peppers, lettuce, grapes, kiwis. Who was I kidding? We hardly cook more than twice a week when Ryan IS home.

When I'm on my own schedule I can work at school as late as I want. On days I run after I get home, I don't get done working out sometimes until 8:30 or 9:00 - and then I don't really feel like eating dinner, let alone cooking. So I eat a snack and ignore the two full drawers of produce in the fridge.

In the middle of the week my friend Brooke texted me. Her husband, Adam, is out of town too. The two of us are eerily alike when the boys are away so we went out and got Thai food. Adam called while we were eating dinner and Brooke said "Did you really think we were going to cook while you were gone?"

I don't think he did. I think they just hope we do the dishes before they get back.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is funny! I think the same thing happens in our household when I am away - but I don't want to get myself in trouble .. .. Patrick
